The “i’s” have it: Two key topics for client meetings

Inflation, interest rates, income tax, and the IRS are ever-present topics during discussions with your clients. Right now, there’s a lot to talk about, especially related to charitable giving. Let’s look at two examples of hot topics that may take a front seat in your client conversations this fall as you are helping your […]
Highly-appreciated stock: If your client missed the ideal window, it’s still not too late to support charity

During a routine check-in meeting, your client casually mentions that the client’s employer, a local company, was just acquired. The client and dozens of fellow employee shareholders are now flush with cash. “I’d like to use some of the money to give to charity,” the client tells you. “Let’s talk about a family fund at […]
Hanging in there: Charitable giving in a challenging economy

Earlier this year, Bankrate and Psych Central released the