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Types of Funds

The FM Area Foundation offers a variety of funds and flexible options to help you meet your charitable goals.

Donor Advised Fund

You work with our professional program staff, identifying ways to use dollars from your Donor Advised Fund to address the issues and needs you care about most. You can change the charity that benefits from your fund each time you recommend a distribution. We then distribute the grant dollars in your fund's name or anonymously, according to your wishes.

Designated Fund

When you create the fund, you choose the specific nonprofit organization(s), generally to a maximum of five, who will receive the proceeds from the fund annually. Your one-time selection can help provide ongoing funding for a senior center, museum, homeless shelter, or virtually any 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization.

Field of Interest Fund

You can target your gift to address needs in an area you are passionate about - the arts, food insecurity, aging, mental health, at-risk youth, etc. When making your gift, you identify the interest area; the FM Area Foundation awards grants to community organizations and programs that are making a difference in the area you select.

Scholarship Fund

You can invest in our community's future and show students you care, all with the guidance and personal services of the FM Area Foundation. You determine the criteria students must meet to receive the scholarship you establish. With your assistance, students achieve their academic and career-oriented goals.

Unrestricted Fund

Your gift can address ever-changing needs, including future needs that often cannot be anticipated when your gift is made. We evaluate all aspects of community well-being - basic human needs; arts and culture; community building; education; and many more. The flexibility of your unrestricted gift enables the FM Area Foundation to respond to the community's most pressing needs today and tomorrow.

Nonprofit Agency Fund

A nonprofit organization initiates a fund to permanently support its operations and enhance its ability to accept large and complex gifts.

Supporting Organization

You can use your gift to establish an excellent alternative to a private foundation with only a fraction of the administrative responsibilities. Leave investment management, startup costs, grant administration, and reporting to the FM Area Foundation. You select some of the board members, maintain personal involvement, and support the causes and organizations you care about while enjoying the favorable tax treatment of a public charity.

Learn More

You have the power to make a positive impact in two ways. You can donate to one of our 500 existing funds, or you can contact us to create a charitable fund that matches your values. Whichever route you choose, we are humbled by your trust and grateful for your kindness and generosity.

“We wanted the scholarship to live on as a legacy for Norman and I in our communities to encourage a young person as they seek their dreams.”

Agnes Liudahl Donor

“Serving on the Foundation board enables me to support efforts to strengthen our community.”

Morrie Lanning Former Board Member

“We are thrilled to engage our daughters as future advisors to our fund. Knowing there will always be a family member to guide our charitable intent makes us feel great.”

Mike & Peggy Bullinger Donors

“Anything that can motivate a child’s love of reading deserves support. Read to Lead can be such a vehicle.”

Noel & Judy Fedje Donors

“Thank you to the Women's Fund for supporting our moms and children.”

Jeremiah Program Program

“The community foundation is specifically created to encourage and nourish the giving spirit in the community.”

Art Cupler Founder

“Thanks to support from the FM Area Foundation, we completed two major projects. We're very grateful for the Foundation’s generosity as these projects support our mission to preserve and maintain the historic facility.”

Emily Beck Fargo Theatre

“Support through the FM Area Foundation and its supporters has created an immeasurable impact on our work — delivering hope and fostering a sense of belonging for so many in our community going through a tender time in life. This ripple of kindness is cultivating joy and shared connection in our community, just because, and only made possible through generous donors. What a beautiful gift to know your community cares about you!”

Kelly Krenzel Hope Blooms

Contact Our Staff

Lexi Oestreich
Director of Philanthropy
Eric Wilkie, MS, CFRE, CAP®
Executive Director