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Doing Your Due Diligence

You’re ready to roll into a new year, including staying involved with the charities you love, whether as a donor, volunteer, board member or all of the above. The team at the FM Area Foundation is here to support your charitable endeavors, no matter where your passions lie. Our region is full of charitable organizations […]

It’s a family thing

If you’ve not yet involved your children or grandchildren in your charitable giving, this may be the year to consider it! Children of all ages can benefit from learning even just a little bit about philanthropy and how charities improve the quality of life for everyone. Indeed, many parents and grandparents believe that some level […]

If this, then that: Your charitable planning cheat sheet

At the FM Area Foundation, we’ve recently been asked by attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors for “cheat sheet” resources to make it easy to determine which type of charitable planning tool is best for a particular client. We love that idea! We’re always happy to be a sounding board for any client situation where charitable […]

QCDs: $105,000, $108,000, and more things to smile about

As you and other attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors put the finishing touches on implementing clients’ year-end charitable giving plans, you may have a moment when it hits you: “Wait, how exactly does a Qualified Charitable Distribution work?”  That’s a great question, and you are not alone if you’re asking. Even though QCDs are well-covered […]

Estate tax planning: What’s your next move?

As attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors, you’re aware of potentially significant upcoming changes to the tax laws that could impact your high net-worth clients. Whether or not a post-election Congress takes action to prevent the estate tax exemption sunset at the end of 2025 will potentially affect how you design your clients’ wealth transfer strategies. During this […]

Generational impact, with or without children

At the FM Area Foundation, we’re honored to work with our donors and fund holders to achieve a wide range of charitable giving priorities that often involve multiple charitable giving vehicles. It’s not uncommon, for example, for an individual’s or couple’s “portfolio” of philanthropy with the community foundation to look something like this: A donor-advised […]

Fostering trust and making a difference

Many people are not aware of the extent to which America’s charitable organizations help improve the quality of life in our communities. From social services to the arts, virtually every aspect of our lives is touched by the work of nonprofits. Indeed, the gifts Americans give to charity every year total more than $557 billion and provide critical support […]

Into the great unknown

Humans crave certainty, and that is certainly not what we have right now during election season, especially where taxes are concerned. Your clients who support charitable causes may be wondering how the election outcomes might impact their philanthropic plans. You’re probably wondering that, too! Of course, no one has a crystal ball. It is impossible […]