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Unlock the unexpected power of regret to grow your charitable giving

Did you know the FM Area Foundation provides “regret mitigation” services? We’re only half kidding! Not surprisingly, financial regrets are common, with those related to personal finances among the most frequent. Of recently surveyed American retirees, 75% wished they’d started saving earlier, and 62% wished they’d saved more money for their golden years. On the […]

Bridging the gaps in multi-generational family philanthropy

Differing views within families are nothing new; differing views about nearly anything and everything is centuries old. For generations and generations, common topics of disagreement have included popular culture, politics, religion, and parenting, just to name a few. Frequently outranking all is money—how it’s made, spent, or saved—or not.  How benevolent families share money, whether […]

The perfect plate: Turkey, pumpkin pie, and charitable giving

As you prepare to gather with family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday, we invite you to reach out to the team at the FM Area Foundation for suggestions on how to incorporate charitable giving into the festivities.   For example: –Take this opportunity to brush up on the

How to grow your charitable giving by bundling tax savings

Many donors elect to use a donor- advised fund at the community foundation as an organizing tool, frequently recommending grants to their favorite charities in ways that mirror the ways they would make donations outright. Often, contributions to a donor- advised fund are in the form of highly- appreciated stock or other hard-to-value assets that […]

Planning a benevolent exit

If you’re a business owner, at some point you may begin thinking about an exit strategy. Before you start putting out feelers to potential acquirers, you may wish to explore the benefits of contributing an ownership interest in your business to a donor-advised fund or other type of fund at the FM Area Foundation.  If you’ve […]

Doing good, feeling better, and making a difference

At first glance, philanthropy and positive psychology appear to have very little in common. Philanthropy is a term generally associated with giving money to charities, doing good in the community, and creating social value. Positive psychology usually conjures up images of an academic approach to emotional strengths and virtues that enable people to thrive. But […]