So, what happened to tax reform? And what does that mean for charitable giving strategies?
Transfer of wealth: Following the money
Giving hard-to-value assets: It’s not just for real estate anymore
Winds of change and headwinds: Legislation and inflation
You’ve no doubt noticed that donor-advised funds have been featured more prominently over the last few weeks in financial and wealth management publications. That’s in part because the Accelerating Charitable Efforts Act was
What Your Charitable Clients Need To Know Now About Tax Reform
Late last month, the White House
Year-End Giving: Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
It’s the season for email newsletters hitting your inbox with tips for tax planning. We get it! With so much information flying around for your clients, too, we highly recommend that you cut through the noise and mention three key tax strategies to your clients at least twice, and ideally three times, before late December: […]
Trends That Inform What Your Clients Are Thinking Even If They Aren’t Saying It
Hot off the press, the
Planned Giving Starts Now: Tips and Talking Points for Lifetime Charitable Gifts
According to 2020 statistics released in June 2021 as part of the
These Three Factors Are a Big Deal in Gifts of S Corp Stock to Charity
S Corporation, or limited liability company? That’s a
Proposed Legislation: What’s In It For Giving?
The nonpartisan