Each year, the FM Area Foundation provides grants to many nonprofits that vary in size, mission, and vision. The one connecting factor is we are all working toward creating a community where everyone thrives.
As a community foundation, we look to address needs throughout Cass County, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota, and promote collaborative efforts to improve lives in these areas.
We also provide funding to charitable organizations through our Donor Advised Funds and Designated Funds. These grants are awarded at the recommendation of the donor and generally support nonprofits’ general operations or core programs. Applications are not accepted for these grants.
The FM Area Foundation considers grant applications covering a wide range of community needs within five primary focus areas. Visit the pages below to read about the positive change we’re making in these areas and stories of the work happening in our community:
“Support from the FM Area Foundation has been pivotal in expanding the scope of our Empower Up Program. The stories of those we are privileged to serve humbly remind us of the important investment being made in their lives through our extensive and impactful programming. ‘I didn’t know I was worthy of this,’ is a common sentiment during the reveal of their new space. Thank you, FM Area Foundation, for giving dignity and hope to people emerging from homelessness in our community.”
Jenessa Fillipi, Down Home| Founder | Executive Director
FMAF Community Grant Round
The FM Area Foundation’s community grand round addresses needs throughout Cass County, North Dakota, and Clay County, Minnesota, and promotes collaborative efforts to improve life in these areas. We will have one grant cycle annually that aligns with our five areas of impact. Organizations will self-select the focus area that best describes the work of their organizations. Please see below for application deadlines.
The FM Area Foundation will consider grant applications covering a wide range of community needs with a focus on:
In response to the ever-changing economic and social environment, we have shifted our grant focus to general operating support and existing program support grants. Flexible funding is key to the resiliency and success of our local nonprofits.
One application will be accepted per calendar year. Nonprofits must choose one focus area to apply to once they begin the application: Arts, Culture & Creativity; Basic Human Needs; Community Building; Education; Women & Children. Please reach out in advance with questions regarding focus areas.
Applicants must be an IRS-approved tax-exempt nonprofit under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as described in IRC 501(c)(3), or a church, tax-exempt school, or other government entity located in Cass County, North Dakota, or Clay County, Minnesota.
Applications will only be accepted for organizations that have been in existence for a minimum of two years and are in good standing with the IRS. Fiscal sponsorships are accepted with the completion and submission of a fiscal sponsorship agreement form. Any organization currently being Fiscally Sponsored or currently the recipient of a loan from the FM Area Foundation is not eligible to receive grant funding for general operating expenses; they are only eligible to receive funding for programs. Every effort will be made to maintain a reasonable balance in awarding grants to various areas of need.
In reviewing applications, the Foundation will consider the following criteria:
Please Note:
You have the power to make a positive impact in two ways. You can donate to one of our 500 existing funds, or you can contact us to create a charitable fund that matches your values. Whichever route you choose, we are humbled by your trust and grateful for your kindness and generosity.
“We wanted the scholarship to live on as a legacy for Norman and I in our communities to encourage a young person as they seek their dreams.”
“Serving on the Foundation board enables me to support efforts to strengthen our community.”
“We are thrilled to engage our daughters as future advisors to our fund. Knowing there will always be a family member to guide our charitable intent makes us feel great.”
“Anything that can motivate a child’s love of reading deserves support. Read to Lead can be such a vehicle.”
“Thank you to the Women's Fund for supporting our moms and children.”
“The community foundation is specifically created to encourage and nourish the giving spirit in the community.”
“Thanks to support from the FM Area Foundation, we completed two major projects. We're very grateful for the Foundation’s generosity as these projects support our mission to preserve and maintain the historic facility.”
“Support through the FM Area Foundation and its supporters has created an immeasurable impact on our work — delivering hope and fostering a sense of belonging for so many in our community going through a tender time in life. This ripple of kindness is cultivating joy and shared connection in our community, just because, and only made possible through generous donors. What a beautiful gift to know your community cares about you!”